Welcome to UKmoths, your online guide to the moths of Great Britain and Ireland

About the UKMoths Website

Welcome to UKMoths, your online guide to the moths of Great Britain and Ireland. UKMoths has been providing identification help and information about Britain's moths for over 15 years.

What's UKMoths all about?

Traditionally, moth fieldguides have concentrated on the so-called "macro-moths", of which there are around 800 regular species. To study all of Britain's species incuding the often very interesting microlepidoptera, requires an expensive library of reference material.

The ultimate idea of the site was to illustrate as many species of British moths as possible and to provide this information in an accessible format. Over 2500 species have been recorded in the British Isles, and currently 2276 of these are illustrated, featuring 7368 photographs.

If you have good quality photos of British moths or lifecycle stages not yet featured on UKMoths and would like to contribute, please check the guidelines for contributors.

What UKMoths visitors are saying

Your efforts are appreciated Ian UKMoths remains the No moth identification resource for British moths...

Les Hill

Bingo I managed to identify my moth having keyworded 'scallop' The Herald Scoliopteryx libatrix mine was indoors in December brightly golden-coloured thank you yours is a really useful and user-friendly website...

Valerie Taylor

This site is really interesting and helpful For a few years I've seen dozens of these little purple moths in my garden and none of my wildlife books could help me identify it It turned out to be Pyrausta purpuralis mystery solved...


A most interesting site to browse as well as enabling me to identify moths i have taken photos of...

John Clements

Simply want to say how useful this guide is for an amateur like me Ants are my speciality but Lepidoptera are so lovely and by comparison a lot easier to identify...

Bryan Thomas Jones

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