Black-spotted Chestnut Conistra rubiginosa
Black-spotted Chestnut Conistra rubiginosa
Eggs • Netherlands • ©

73.196 BF2259a

Black-spotted Chestnut Conistra rubiginosa

(Scopoli, 1763)

Wingspan (set) 31-35 mm.

Since the first record in 2011 now in 9 vice counties from Essex to Bucks and northwards to Hunts. Records increasing in all (except Dorset), suggesting established breeding populations.

The majority of records are Urban or Urban edge which probably reflects the distribution of light traps rather than habitat preference.

Emergence in October with latest post hibernation record in April, the commonest months being November to February and roughly even distribution before/after the new year.

Continental authors indicate a wide range of foodplants from deciduous trees to low plants.

A striking species, dark grey in overall appearance with obvious black stigmata crossed by much paler veins in good specimens. Variation includes a brown-grey form, and a rare form with absent black stigmata which might be confusing. Sex differentiation difficult in living specimens.

(Description kindly provided by Robin Knill-Jones)

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