Welcome to UKmoths, your online guide to the moths of Great Britain and Ireland

About the UKMoths Website

Welcome to UKMoths, your online guide to the moths of Great Britain and Ireland. UKMoths has been providing identification help and information about Britain's moths for over 15 years.

What's UKMoths all about?

Traditionally, moth fieldguides have concentrated on the so-called "macro-moths", of which there are around 800 regular species. To study all of Britain's species incuding the often very interesting microlepidoptera, requires an expensive library of reference material.

The ultimate idea of the site was to illustrate as many species of British moths as possible and to provide this information in an accessible format. Over 2500 species have been recorded in the British Isles, and currently 2276 of these are illustrated, featuring 7368 photographs.

If you have good quality photos of British moths or lifecycle stages not yet featured on UKMoths and would like to contribute, please check the guidelines for contributors.

What UKMoths visitors are saying

A superb resource for an amateur moth recorder like myself I have used this site for over years now and always go to it to confirm a species even out in the field when I can only remember the first two letters of the micro moth I have in front...

Ben Sale

Using the keyword search on your excellent website I was able to identify a Gold Spot moth which I found attached to a T-shirt on the washing line I was surprised to read though that this likes damp reedy places - we are in the middle of arable land in...

Beatrice McGlen

Hi Just wanted to say thanks for helping me identify an Angle Shades moth that I saw today I went on to the Butterfly Conservation site I am a member but couldn't find it Your site was great Best wishes Mark...

Mark McDonald

I am new to moth watching this year and had to ask for help on Twitter as regards to identifying the moths in my trap One friend posted a link to this site now it's my primary ID tool Love the keyword search I am stunned by the varieties of...

Sarah Courtney

Hi I have always been interested in nature mostly birds if I'm allowed to mention such creatures here but have recently started to notice moths more and have found your site easy to use and very informative Love the keyword finder Many thanks for making moths accessible Hilary...

Hilary Murphy

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Not sure where to start?

Beginner's Top 20 Try the Beginner's Top 20, the 20 most commonly requested identifications, or check out the Keyword search.

Beginner's Top 20  

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