Acleris maccana
Acleris maccana
Adult • Kvikne, Oppland, Norway • ©

49.068 BF1060

Acleris maccana

(Treitschke, 1835)

Wingspan c. 20mm.

Occurring in high moorland and woodland habitats, this species is restricted in Britain to the northern parts of Scotland, although full details of its distribution are not well documented. Some older records from further south are considered unreliable.

The adults can be somewhat variable in appearance and superficially can resemble certain forms of A. hastiana, although it lacks the concave leading edge of the forewing of that species.

The larval foodplants are bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) and bog-myrtle (Myrica gale).

Adult moths are on the wing between August and October.
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