Tamarisk Plume Agdistis tamaricis
Tamarisk Plume Agdistis tamaricis
Adult • Jersey, Channel Islands, reared from larva • ©

45.003 BF1488a

Tamarisk Plume Agdistis tamaricis

(Zeller, 1847)

Wingspan c. 18-27mm.

This species was discovered on Jersey In August 2007, when four unfamiliar larvae were beaten from tamarisk (Tamarix) trees.

These were reared through and subsequently proven by genitalia dissection to be A tamaricis, a new species for the British/Channel Islands list.

Abroad, the species occurs in southern Europe and North Africa, eastwards to China.

The adults are externally similar to other Agdistis species, and dissection is recommended for certainty of identification.
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