Agonopterix capreolella
Agonopterix capreolella
Adult • Kvikne, Oppland, Norway • ©

32.022 BF715

Agonopterix capreolella

(Zeller, 1839)

Wingspan c. 15mm.

One of the smallest of the British Agonopterix group, there are only a handful of records of this species from scattered locations in England, Wales and Ireland, from calcareous habitats such as chalk downs.

The larval foodplant is burnet saxifrage (Pimpinella saxifraga) although on the continent other plants are used such as wild carrot (Daucus carota). The larva folds or rolls a leaf and feeds within.

Adults fly from August, hibernating over the winter and reappearing again in spring up until May.
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