Brown Oak Tortrix Archips crataegana
Brown Oak Tortrix Archips crataegana
Adult • ©

49.014 BF979

Brown Oak Tortrix Archips crataegana

(Hübner, [1799])

Wingspan male: c. 20mm, female: c. 25mm

This sexually dimorphic species is relatively uncommon though has a wide distribution over much of the British Isles. It frequents mainly wooded habitats and flies from June to August.

Females are larger than the males, which have a 'costal fold' in common with a number of related species.

The larvae feed on a number of decidous trees, including oak (Quercus), elm (Ulmus), ash (Fraxinus) and sallow (Salix). They feed in a tightly-rolled leaf.
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