Dotted Border Wave Idaea sylvestraria
Dotted Border Wave Idaea sylvestraria
Adult • Dorset • ©

70.010 BF1701

Dotted Border Wave Idaea sylvestraria

(Hübner, [1799])

Wingspan 20-23 mm.

Superficially similar to several other Idaea species, but with a distinct black spot centrally on the forewing, and a row of dark indistinct spots along the outer fringe.

The species inhabits dry heathland, and occurs most commonly in the southern English counties, though it also occurs locally further north in England.

The adults are on the wing in July and August, when they are attracted to light.

The larval foodplants are low plants such as dandelion (Taraxacum) and knotgrass (Polygonum).
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